The organising team
Jim McIntosh
BSBI jim.mcintosh@bsbi.orgAs the BSBI's Scottish Officer, I've been promoting botany and supporting botanists in Scotland since 2004. More recently I've taken on a wider role as BSBI Senior Country Officer, managing Country Officers in Ireland and Wales and editing BSBI eNews - the monthly newsletter for the BSBI recording community, inter alia. I'm also a County Recorder for Mid-Perthshire.
Julia Hanmer
BSBII started as BSBI's new Chief Executive in April 2021. I've spent 30 years working and volunteering in the conservation sector, including leading Bat Conservation Trust, founding BatLife Europe, working with volunteers at CPRE and training as a forest school leader. I live in London and am a trustee for a local environmental education charity, ecoACTIVE. In the past I've lived and worked around much of the UK and as a child I spent 5 years in Dublin.
Lindsay Mackinlay
The Future Forest Company lindsay@parnassusecology.comLindsay is the current Chair of the Scottish BSBI Committee having taken up post in 2019. He is an experienced ecologist, having worked with Scottish Natural Heritage, as Nature Conservation Adviser with the National Trust for Scotland, and most recently, as a self-employed consultant (Parnassus Ecology). Lindsay has just started a new role as Head of Ecology at The Future Forest Company Ltd.
Louise Marsh
BSBI louise.marsh@bsbi.orgBlog:
I'm the BSBI's Communications Officer, responsible for keeping the website updated, answering enquiries, promoting the society’s work to a wider audience and running BSBI's social media platforms and the News & Views blog.
Natalie Harmsworth
Natalie is the current volunteer organiser for the BSBI Photographic Competition. Her day job is Centre Manager at The Wildlife Information Centre (TWIC) – the Local Environmental Records Centre for SE and part of central Scotland. She has over 10 years’ experience working in conservation and a good all-round knowledge of British wildlife, but plants have always been her passion.
Ryan Clark
ryanclarkecology@gmail.comRyan works for the monitoring and research team of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust. He has particular interest in vascular plants, solitary bees, beetles and bryophytes. Ryan sits on the Events and Communications Committee of the BSBI.
Sarah Woods
BSBI sarah.woods@bsbi.orgFundraising Manager for the BSBI since March of this year, looking to support our projects, strategy and teams to deliver our goals for wild flowers.