
Despite travel restrictions during lockdown, we have made many good finds during 2020. Finds selected for display in the poster are: Melilotus altissimus (tall melilot) at Bridge of Muchalls NO89, new to VC91; Carex vesicaria (bladder-sedge) at Whitewater Moss NO77, first in VC91 since 1860; Vaccinium oxycoccos (cranberry) at Glen Dye NO68, first in VC91 since 1970 assuming differentiation between this and the recently recorded V. microcarpum (small cranberry) are correct; Hieracium sabaudum forma bladonii (a leafy hawkweed) at Durris NO79 and Stonehaven NO88, first in N Scotland since 2000. Additional finds of particular interest that we have made but omitted from the display include: Epilobium montanum x parviflorum = E. x limosum at Benholm NO86, only record in Scotland since 1995; Euonymus latifolius at Knappach NO79, third record in Scotland since 2000; Utricularia minor at Greendams NO68, second site in VC91 since 1860; Equisetum arvense x fluviatile = E. x litorale at Catterline NO87, second site in VC91.