
“Antibiotics under our feet“ is a ScotPEN Wellcome Trust Award project based at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. The aim is to raise science capital in the Fife primary school P5-7 age group and their teachers through co-ownership of a citizen science project seeking new chemical compounds from soil microbes to treat drug resistant infections. The project is based in the Czekster lab and this exhibit shows how the current project builds upon a pilot study carried out with two primary schools. Soil samples were collected, DNA extracted and sent for next generation sequencing to look at bacterial diversity. We would welcome advice and comments in shaping our project including analysing and presenting our data as we look to take it into schools asking pupils to collect soil samples and environmental data and then expand the project reach beyond Fife.
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Greyfriars and Thornton Primary Schools, Fife
The University of St Andrews iGEM team